Follow these steps to install your new cylinder:
- Place the cylinder on a flat sturdy surface in an upright position and remove the seal and cap by twisting it counter-clockwise. Make sure to remove the carbonating bottle if it is installed in the Sparkling Water Maker.
- With the Sparkling Water Maker in an upright position on a flat, sturdy surface, remove the back cover by pressing on the buttons on the sides and pulling it away from the body of the Sparkling Water Maker.
- Set the back cover aside.
- Gently tip the Sparkling Water Maker forward and insert the cylinder into the back. First insert the base of the cylinder followed by the body and then tilt it towards your Sparkling Water Maker.
- Screw the cylinder to the right (counter clockwise) while gently raising the cylinder until it is firmly held in place. Do not use tools and make sure the cylinder is secured in its place.
- Replace the back cover by inserting the tab on the bottom of the back cover into the hole on the base of the back of the Sparkling Water Maker.
- Get ready to carbonate!